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- The Noise-Blowing-Up Strategy Creates High-Quality, High-Resolution Adversarial Images against Convolutional Neural Networks.
With A. O. Topal, E. Mancellari, E. Avdusinovic and T. Gillet.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 3493. Special Issue Adversarial Attacks and Cyber Security: Trends and Challenges.
- Round-Based Mechanism and Job Packing with Model-Similarity-Based Policy of Scheduling DL Training in GPU Cluster.
With P. Thanapol, K. Lavangnananda, A. Glad, J. Schleich and P. Bouvry.
Appl. Sci. 2024, 14, 2349. Section Computation and Artificial Intelligence. Special Issue Technologies, Algorithms and Applications for Planning, Scheduling and Optimization.
- Zone-of-Interest Strategy for the creation of High-Resolution Adversarial Images against Convolutional Neural Networks.
With A. O. Topal, E. Mancellari and K. Lavangnananda.
15th International Conference on Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (ICITEE), Chiang Mai, Thailand, 2023, pp. 127-132.,
- Creating High-Resolution Adversarial Images against Convolutional Neural Networks with the Noise Blowing-Up Method.
With A. O. Topal and E. Mancellari.
In Nguyen, N.T., et al. Intelligent Information and Database Systems. ACIIDS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNAI, vol 13995), p. 121-134. Springer, Singapore.
- Scheduling Deep Learning Traning in GPU Cluster Using the Model-Similarity-Based Policy.
With P. Thanapol, K. Lavangnananda, J. Schleich and P. Bouvry.
In Nguyen, N.T., et al. Intelligent Information and Database Systems. ACIIDS 2023. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, (LNAI, vol 13996), p. 363-374. Springer, Singapore. (short-listed for the Best Paper Award)
- Toward Understanding Efficient Privacy-Preserving Homomorphic Comparison.
With B. Pulido-Gaytan, A. Tchernykh, P. Bouvry and A. Goldman.
IEEE Access, Vol. 11, pp. 102189 – 102206 (2023).
- One evolutionary algorithm deceives humans and ten convolutional neural networks trained on ImageNet at image recognition.
With A. O. Topal and R. Chitic.
Applied Soft Computing, Vol. 143, p. 110397 (2023)
- Sur quelques évolutions récentes en cryptologie post-quantique. 1024 – Bulletin de la Société informatique de France, n° 21, avril 2023, p. 3-15.
- ShuffleDetect: Detecting Adversarial Images against Convolutional Neural Networks.
With R. Chitic and A. O. Topal.
Appl. Sci. 2023, 13 (6), 4068, Computing and Artificial Intelligence.
- A Strategy creating High Resolution Adversarial Images against Convolutional Neural Networks, and a Feasibility Study on 10 CNNs.
With E. Avdusinovic, R. Chitic and A. O. Topal.
Journal of Information and Telecommunication, Vol. 7, Issue 1, p. 89-119 (2022).
- Empirical perturbation Analysis of Two Adversarial Attacks: Black-Box versus White-Box.
With R. Chitic and A. O. Topal.
Appl. Sci. 2022, 12, 7339, Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Special Issue « Explainable Artificial Intelligence ».
- Strategy and Feasibility Study for the Construction of High-Resolution Images Adversarial against Convolutional Neural Networks.
With A. O. Topal, E. Avdusinovic and R. Chitic.
Intelligent Information and Database Systems – 14th Asian Conference, ACIIDS 2022, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, November 28-30, 2022, Proceedings Part I, p. 285-298. LNAI 13757, Springer (2022).
- Evolutionary algorithm-based images, humanly indistinguishable and adversarial against Convolutional Neural Networks: efficiency and filter robustness.
With R. Chitic and A. O. Topal.
IEEE Access, Vol 9, pp. 160758 – 160778 (2021).
- Robustness of Adversarial Images against Filters.
With R. Chitic, N. Deridder and N. Bernard.
Proceedings of OLA’2021, CCIS 1443, pp. 1-14, Springer (2021).
- Privacy-preserving logistic regression as a cloud service based on residue number system.
With J. Cortés-Mendoza, A. Tchernykh, M. Babenko, L. Bernardo Pulido-Gaytan, G. Radchenko, X. Wang, A. Avetisyan.
Proc. of the 6th. Russian Supercomputing Days (RusSCD’2020), 21-22 September 2020, Moscow, Russia, p. 598-610.
- Reducing Overfitting and Improving Generalization in Training Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) under Limited Sample Sizes in Image Recognition.
With P. Thanapol, K. Lavangnananda, F. Pinel, P. Bouvry.
Proc. of the 5th. Inter. Conf. on Information Technology (InCIT 2020), 21st – 22nd October 2020, Bangsaen, Thailand, p. 300-305.
- Evolutionary algorithms deceive humans and machines at image classification: An extended proof of concept on two scenarios.
With R. Chitic and N. Bernard.
Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 5:1, 121-143 (2020)
- A proof of concept to deceive humans and machines at image classification with evolutionary algorithms.
With R. Chitic and N. Bernard.
Intelligent Information and Database Systems – 12th Asian Conference, ACIIDS 2020 Phuket, Thailand, March 23-26, 2020, Proceedings Part II, p. 467-480. LNAI 12034, Springer (2020).
(Best Paper Award).
- How Evolutionary Algorithms and Information Hiding deceive machines and humans for image recognition: A research program.
With N. Bernard.
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Optimization and Learning (OLA-2019), Bangkok Thailand, Jan. 29-31, 2019; p. 12-15, Springer (2019)
- James Bond’s Most Secret Weapon
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications in Information Technology (ICAIT-2018), hosted by the University of Aizu (November 1-3, 2018, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan). Publisher ACM, New York, NY USA (ISBN 978-1-4503-6516-1); p. 1-2.
- Elliptic Curves Discrete Logarithm Problem over a Finite Prime Field and p-adic Approximations.
With P. Bouvry and N. Bernard.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Applications in Information Technology (ICAIT-2018), hosted by the University of Aizu (November 1-3, 2018, Aizu-Wakamatsu, Japan). Publisher ACM, New York, NY USA (ISBN 978-1-4503-6516-1); p. 9-15.
- Evolutionary Algorithms for Convolutional Neural Network Visualization.
With N. Bernard.
Proceedings of the Latin American Conference on High Performance Computing CARLA 2018, hosted by the University of Bucaramanga (26-28 September 2018, Bucaramanga, Colombia), High Performance Computing, Springer, Communications in Computer and Information Science 979, 18-32 (2019)
- Hardened Bloom Filters for Security, with an Application to Unobservability.
With N. Bernard.
Annales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Sklodowska. Sectio AI: Informatica, 12(4), 11-22 (2012)
- Beyond TOR: the TrueNyms protocol.
With N. Bernard.
LNCS Vol 7053: Security and Intelligent Information Systems: International Joint Conference, SIIS 2011, Warsaw, Poland, June 13-14, 2011, Revised Selected Papers (2012)
- Applicative solutions for safe computations in distributed environments.
With S. Varrette, J.-L. Roch.
In: Workshop « Trustworthy Software », Saarbrücken, Germany (2006)
- Architectures PKI.
With J.-G. Dumas, J.-L. Roch, S. Varrette.
Chapter 4, 187-210. In Cryptographie et sécurité des systèmes et réseaux (2006)
- Cryptographie à clef publique.
With J.-G. Dumas, J.-L. Roch, V. Savin, S. Varrette.
Chapter 3, 103-186. In Cryptographie et sécurité des systèmes et réseaux (2006)
- Réalités de l’espionnage électronique.
With T. Ebrahimi, B. Warusfel.
Chapter 2, 25-28. In Enjeux de la sécurité multimedia (2006)
- Public-key cryptography: An overview of some algorithms.
Chapter of the book Optical and digital Techniques. Ed. Bahram Javidi, Springer-Verlag, 337-352 (2005)
- Distributed Authentication in GRID5000.
With S. Varrette, S. Georget, J. Montagnat, J.-L. Roch.
LNCS Vol 3762 In: Proc. of OTM Confederated Int. Workshops on Grid Computing and its Application to Data Analysis (GADA’05), 414-326 (2005)
- Authentification distribuée sur grille de grappes basée sur LDAP.
With S. Varrette, S. Georget, J.-L. Roch.
In: Proc. des 16èmes rencontres francophones du parallélisme (RenPar’16), (2005).
- FlowCert: Probabilistic certification for peer-to-peer computations.
With S. Varrette , J.-L- Roch.
In: Proc. of the 16th Symposium on Computer Architecture and High Performance Computing (SBAC-PAD 2004), 108-115, IEEE Computer Society publishing (2004).
- Secure architectures for clusters and grids.
With S. Varrette, J.-L. Roch, Y. Denneulin.
In: Proc. of the 2nd Int. Conf. on Critical Infrastructures (CRIS 2004), IEEE publishing (2004).
- Utilisation des modules elliptiques de Drinfeld en cryptologie.
With R. Gillard, A. Pantchichkine, X. Roblot.
C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 336, Série 11, 879-882 (2003)
- An Overview Of Public-Key Cryptology.
In Proc. DPP 2003: International Conference on Digital Production Printing and Industrial Applications, 127-129 (2003)
- How to bypass the Wassenaar Arrangement: A new application for watermarking.
With Touradj Ebrahimi, Raphael Erard, Martin Kutter, Diego Santa Cruz.
In Proc. of the 2000 ACM workshops on Multimedia, 161-164 (2000)
- Les standards cryptographiques du XXIème siècle : AES et IEEE-P1363.
La Gazette des Mathématiciens, 9-23 (2000)
- AES: Round 2
PricewaterhouseCoopers Cryptography Centre of Excellence Quaterly Journal, Issue 3 (1999)
- The end of public-key cryptography or does God play dices?
PricewaterhouseCoopers Cryptography Centre of Excellence Quaterly Journal, Issue 3 (1999)
- Peter Shor, prix Nevanlinna 1998.
La Gazette des Mathématiciens, 81 (1999)
- AES und IEEE-P1363, die kryptographischen Standards des 21. Jahrhunderts.
Tagungsband des 6. Deutschen IT-Sicherheutskongresses des BSI, 485-491 (1999)
- Symbiose von Kryptographie und digitalen Wasserzeichen : effizienter Schutz des Urheberrechtes digitaler Medien.
With Martin Kutter.
Tagungsverband des 6. Deutschen IT-Sicherheitskongresses des BSI, 479-484 (1999)